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In 2023, 3.6% of employees worked for a fixed term
Bratislava, 16.01.2025
In Slovakia, 3.6% of employees worked for a fixed term in 2023, while the EU average is 11.6%. People in services and trade, machine and equipment operators, and auxiliary and unskilled workers worked most often for a fixed term. This is according to the current economic overview of the Institute for Strategies and Analyses (ISA). "Especially young people work for a fixed term while studying at university, or if they do not have enough experience to get a permanent job. In Slovakia, 21.6% of young people aged 15-24 worked for a fixed term. The EU average is 45.6%. This share decreases significantly with age. In Slovakia, there were 2.9% of them aged 25-54 and 2.3% aged 55-64," the ISA said.Almost half of Slovaks work on a fixed-term contract because they cannot find permanent employment. The largest number of people work on a fixed-term contract in services and trade, a total of 25.8%. This is followed by specialists with 11%. However, in 2024 their share fell to 2.7%. In comparison, in the EU, specialists make up 21%, while they are the largest group of fixed-term workers. According to the ISA, Slovakia has the sixth lowest share of people working on a fixed-term contract in the EU. Among neighboring countries, Poland has the highest share, at 12.3%. It is followed by Austria with 8%, the Czech Republic with 5.9% and Hungary with 4.4%. Overall, the Netherlands has the highest share in the EU, at 22.9%. odkaz na stránku
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