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          Malting concentrate belong in line of concentrated vegetal extract. Thick vegetal extract has been used in production for a long time. The production of vegetal extract connects advantages of decreasing production on the manufacturer side and on the other hand the possibility of spanning the typical seasonal events e.g. the shortage of other raw stock and also the utilization in other areas, then in usual application. We can use the production of malt extract in rational nutrition, diastatic malt concentrate and malt flour as an example. Consecutive thickening in specific condition enables to shelf and transport the extract at reduced costs and application in other form – A very good example is production of bread, bakery products, waffles, candy and sweets production, medicine and the base for nutrition of another type. Extracts acquired from malt were produced in former times, however not repeatedly applied in food production.

     Malt extract is produced in two types – as liquid and powder. We can obtain the malt extract from barley malt using the typical brewery instructions - the decoction or more precisely the infusion which is followed up by thickening at temperature not higher than 60°C together with depressurization (drying). The fluid malt extract has 50 to 90% of dry residue in weight with advantage of 70 to 85% in weight and all the solids wherein included in it come exclusively from the original material and has pH of (20°C)5,1-0,3 (in 1% water fusion). The content of maltose has minimum of 55% in weight (specified as deflating sugars by Schorl) and it has typical brown colour with high viscosity. The powder malt extract has 80 to 90% of dry residue in weight, all dry residue in it comes exclusively from the original raw material and has pH of (20°C)5,1-0,3 (in 1% water fusion) and the content of maltose has minimum of 55% in weight (specified as deflating sugars by Schorl). The colour of the powder malt extract is beige to cream and it is very hygroscopic.

     The taste of malt concentrate is a little acidulated, dull sweet with taste of a raw material, without strange smell or flavour. After reducing or let us say after resolving of the malt extract in water it cannot be with a caramel touch-tinge, which would indicate about an incorrect temperature at condensation (drying).

     The fresh liquid product is stored in suitable containers (usually in a plastic barrels) at 20°C, the content of the dry residue is according to customer;s request from 60-75%. The powder malt extract is stored in special box to prevent from humidity and moisture.

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