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     You can make your beer as strong as desired - according to the amount of drinking - water you add (boiled water us the best).
  1. Add boiled drinking - water to the brewed hopped wort in the the fermentation vessel (according to the desired alcoholic strenght) up to the capacity marked:

    Desired strenght Total volume of the hopped wort and added water
    10° ca   2.8% of alcohol 16.0 liters
    11° ca   3.0 % of alcohol 14.0 liters
    12° ca   4.2 % of alcohol 12.0 liters

  2. You will find a packed with brewing yeast under the package top. Mix the contents of the packet in 0,2 litre of like warm drinking - water (about 37°C). The temperature below 35°C or above 40°C has an unfavorable influence on the yeast development.
  3. After about 60 minutes pour the mixed yeast into the hopped wort in the fermentation vessel. The temperature of the hopped wort must not be higher than 25°C. Mix the yeast in the hopped very well.
  4. Cover the fermentation vessel with a clean towel or similar porous cloth.
  5. The intense fermentation will start in one day. There will be a thick froth on the surface. After the first day of fermentation skim the froth off with a clean wooden spoon and mix the contents of the fermentation vessel very well. You must not either skim the froth or mix the contents hereafter.
  6. After about 4 - 7 fermentation days (it depends on the temperature - it should be constant between 12°C and 15°C, in no case higher than 20°C )no new foam will appear. The young beer will taste sweet, but will begin to clear up soon. It is absolutely necessary to keep to the recommended temperatures to get first - rate beer.

  1. After the fermentation finishes také the foam away with a clean wooden spoon.
  2. Move the young beer from the fermentation bottles (with a rubber tube or a clean ladle) in such a manner, that the layer of sedimented yeast remains in the fermentation vessel. Thick - walled bottles with screw - on caps or plastic PET soft drink bottles with twist caps are best for this. Use only absolutely clean (almost sterilized)bottles with perfect caps.
  3. There must be at least 5 cm of free space left above the level in each bottle (for forming carbon dioxide). Add one teaspoonful of crystal sugar for each 0,75 liter of beer into each bottle. Cap the bottles and dissolve the sugar (by shaking).
  4. The best temperature for the post - fermentation process is 10°C - 15°C (max. 20°C).
  5. The beer clears up in 10 - 14 days (stronger beer needs a longer period), the yeast settles at the bottom. You must use bottles with perfect caps, so that the beer can be saturated with carbon dioxide.
  6. Refrigerate the bottle before consumption and lower the pressure in the bottle by turning the cap a half - circle, so that the carbon dioxide does not lift the sedimented yeast.
  7. Newly made beer (kept in a refrigerator shout be consumed before 10 days after maturing).


     Wash up all utensils and prepare them for the next use. Following these instructions (cleanliness and recommended temperatures are the most important of them) you can obtain delicious Trnavian yeast beer. You will ennjoy the opportunity to make a boast of producing your own beer.

Address : Euro-Brew Ltd., Hlboká 22, 917 01 Trnava, Slovakia
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